Gaff E

Colourful Unique Performance Artist - Freedom - DIY - Berlin - Disco - Art - Inspiration - Live - Rainbow - Music -Colorful - Avant Garde - Psychedelic - Individual - Queer - Fashion


Pussy Power was a powerful night I am pleased to say I curated in protest of the lack of female presence in the current nightlife of Berlin. My heart is full of love and I feel privileged to have shared the stage with so many inspirational feline artists from all over the world including Valerie Renay, MoonageAnto Christ, Poppy CoxElectric Evelyn, T-Pow! from the superstar duo The Wau Wau Sisters and myself showcasing a wide range of performance genres; from comedy burlesque,  to punk new wave action to live intergalactic space hip hop vibes and general BADASSERY!. The crowd was GORGEOUS and I am touched by the amount of support the gathering received and impressed by so many that took it upon themselves to truly express themselves visually on the night. I LOVED Urban Spree as a venue to showcase the nights talent. Having a nice big stage with excellent lighting and tech makes a HUGE difference to the experience for EVERYONE! 

It should be mentioned that I was sexually assaulted towards the end of the night after the security left. Our safe space was invaded by people who were not there for our party and did not pay and were mostly young aggressive males. One of the men who took it upon himself to get his hard penis out and rub it against me. This angered and upset me deeply as it is everything I am fighting against. The special safe space I had worked so hard to create was spoiled by an entitled sleazy male energy who DID NOT read the vibe. I cannot express enough why this makes nights like Pussy Power so important. We need to gather and appreciate fem energy TOGETHER and not take advantage and objectify our freedom of self-expression. Safe spaces and dance floors are important to protect and nuture. I guarantee the next Pussy Power party will be a safe space the entire night. 

PUSSY POWER will be back soon and will feature sex clown goddess BETTY GRUMBLE potentially on the 27th July so SAVE THE DATE just incase… This is just THE BEGINNING of something new!
